Equalizer APO

Equalizer APO 1.4.1 Windows parametric equalizer for Windows

User Interface Screenshots

Equalizer APO Abstract:

Equalizer APO is an open-source graphical equalizer for Microsoft Windows. It is a free and open source parametric equalizing application that's comprehensive, reliable and efficient.

Here are some screenshots to illustrate the features and user interface of this application:

Apply audio adjustments with an equalizer in the configuration panel - Screenshot of Equalizer APO
Apply audio adjustments with an equalizer in the configuration panel
Screenshot of Equalizer APO - 2435px · 1721px
Audio graphic equalizer to manage audio output - Screenshot of Equalizer APO
Audio graphic equalizer to manage audio output.
Screenshot of Equalizer APO - 2435px · 1721px
A graphical audio interface - Screenshot of Equalizer APO
A graphical audio interface.
Screenshot of Equalizer APO - 2435px · 1721px
Equalizer APO: Lightweight - Screenshot of Equalizer APO
Equalizer APO: Lightweight.
Screenshot of Equalizer APO - 2435px · 1721px
Equalizer APO: Balancing audio  - Screenshot of Equalizer APO
Equalizer APO: Balancing audio .
Screenshot of Equalizer APO - 2435px · 1721px
Equalizer APO: Free-of-charge - Screenshot of Equalizer APO
Equalizer APO: Free-of-charge.
Screenshot of Equalizer APO - 1535px · 942px